The central theme of this book is geology, an earth science. Mother Earth has given us life. It has given us encouragement and strength to live and work. The book is a tribute to this Great Mother. Hence the book is intended to cover succinctly in it the scope, application, and importance of geology from Indian perspective. Every effort has been made to describe, discuss, analyse, and portray complex geological topics in simple terms and diction. As best as could be possible the technical jargon, nuances and intricacies have been sought to be avoided without sacrificing the substantive matter. Emphasis has been centered in the text on well established scientific principles, more particularly on applied aspects of geology. Care has been taken to incorporate matter in the light of uptodate knowledge.
Frequent use has been made of diagrams, illustrations and material culled from a large number of publications, which have been suitably acknowledged. It has not been possible to appropriately acknowledge every source, however, this deficiency has been made good with a comprehensive list of source material referred to in the bibliography.
It is primarily intended as a textbook for students and beginners though; it may also be useful as a reference book to advanced learners, institutions, libraries and earth scientists of various levels. Yet it is fervently hoped that this book will encourage even the common man in understanding the subject and appreciating the important role of geologists in the service of mankind. That way, it is a step forward.
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